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Homaro Cantu Gives Free Dinners To Lucky Fans (If They Work In The Kitchen)

By Anthony Todd in Food on Sep 7, 2012 3:00PM

2012_9_7_Moto.jpg For a few lucky Facebook users, yesterday turned into Christmas as Chef Homaro Cantu of moto restaurant handed out some free dinners to his geeky fans. After Cantu posted a picture of a recent dish created by Chef Richie Farina, a crab cone made with corn, fans commented on how delicious it looked. After a brief back and forth in the comments, Cantu announced that all five who had spoken up were going to get a free dinner for two at moto.

"We like utilizing social media, and take pride in it," Cantu said when asked about the giveaway. ""Our YouTube channel may have more views than any other US restaurant! Personally, I think it's important to give back, and finding small opportunities to spread the word like this through FB seemed like a good opportunity."

It's also part of an interesting marketing tactic. Part of the discussion in the Facebook comments involved whether or not the commenters could work in the kitchen. "Can I live in your kitchen until the election is over? I will wash dishes. OR wait tables," said one fan. Cantu responded "Can you shuck corn?" After a few affirmative answers, Cantu made the offer of a meal - if the commenters would work with Farina in the kitchen for three hours before service. They'll be shucking corn like never before! Also, they will be asked to post their experience on Facebook to continue the cycle of marketing.

If you want to see the dish that inspired all of the gushing, take a look at this video. And if you're a fan of moto, keep following their social media feeds - you never know what might happen.