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The Lil Bub Is Back In Town

By Katie Karpowicz in Arts & Entertainment on Aug 5, 2014 3:30PM

Photo: Katie Karpowicz/Chicagoist

Justin Bieber and The Kardashians. Chance the Rapper and R. Kelly. We've seen a lot of brow-raising celebrity combinations as of late but perhaps none more puzzling than world-famous Internet cat Lil Bub and The Jesus Lizard frontman David Yow.

The pair (as well as Bub's dude Mike Bridavsky) are in town tomorrow night at the Metro for a live recording of "Lil Bub's Big Show," a web series that has featured guests as far and wide as Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Albini and Little Prince the guinea pig so far.

The two will "discuss" Yow's new book of pun-y cat illustrations Copycat: And a Litter of Other Cats. You know you're intrigued.

Tickets to tomorrow night's taping are only $6 for general admission, $12 for seated viewing. A $75 ticket will score you a meet and greet with the toothless, stubby limbed wonder (we're referencing Lil Bub here, not Yow, but you'll meet him too).

If you can't make it out on Wednesday, Bub and Bridavky will be back at the Metro exactly one month later on September 6 to host the 2014 Internet Cat Video Festival. This is the second year for the traveling festival, featuring a screening of the Internet's favorite cat videos. Last year we hoped Cat Vid Fest would improve logistically and we're hoping the the change in venue and upped star power means our wishes have been granted. Buy tickets now for all four screenings on the Metro's website. There's even an official after party this year at the GMan Tavern should you find yourself feeling especially frisky following the fest.