Curbside Splendor Gives Online Comics A Try With Chris Prunckle
By Maggie Hellwig in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 2, 2012 4:00PM
For several years, Curbside Splendor Publishing has given us their share of new quality literature. We were impressed with Franki Elliot's typewritten poems in Piano Rats, excited to see the release of Amber Sparks' May we Shed These Human Bodies, and Chicago Stories was a favorite pick for the Reading Roundup in April. With all these printed short stories, poems, e-zines, and chapbooks, Curbside continues to carry our attention with a new kind of publication for them: weekly installments of illustrated story-telling.
On Wednesday, the independent publishers ran the first episode of Chris Prunckle's comic, Asylum Doors. The premise of the story is daunting, but entirely intriguing. Bryce Dekker is a psychic suspected of a murder due to her detailed familiarity with said event. Bryce finds herself under observation at Werthem Glen Sanitarium. While institutionalized, she is subject to the madness of other patients. In order to maintain her sanity: she documents their stories and tracks their voices, both of which she is unable to block out of her mind.
Chris "Casper" Prunckle is a beginner, but slightly more seasoned than a newbie, to the comic game. He's worked on projects such as Bonesetter and Fisted—the latter making for some great double entendres on his home page. Some more of his work can also be found on his blog. While he currently works in advertising by day and an illustrator by night, his work thus far on Asylum Doors shows for a hopeful artistic future and we're enthusiastic to see his work on a weekly basis.