James Iha Speedily Releases His Second Solo Album, 14 Years After His First
By Rob Winn in Arts & Entertainment on Jun 28, 2012 3:30PM
James Iha is releasing his second solo album, Look to the Sky, September 18. It has been 14 years since his fist solo effort, Let it Come Down, was released and Iha tells Rolling Stone, "I guess I just viewed a solo record as something that, when I thought it was good, then I would look around and see what's out there and find a label. It just took a lot longer than I thought it would."
With this record Iha was looking to incorporate the sound of his previous solo work along with his more popular releases from the Smashing Pumpkins and A Perfect Circle. "With this record, I tried to make it more of a variety. There's a little bit of rock stuff, there's quieter acoustic stuff, there's more new wave-y pop stuff."
The first single "To Who Knows Where" is streaming online now and you can listen to it here.