Natural Gas Bills Could Be $150 Lower
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jan 16, 2012 5:00PM
Even though the Illinois Commerce Commission approved a rate hike for Peoples Energy last week that would add an average of $48 a year to its customers' gas bills, a combination of factors could result in Chicago residents paying less in natural gas rates this winter.
According to the Citizens Utility Board, the relatively mild winter, low natural gas rates and simple energy efficient steps could save the average consumer $150 this winter. The Short-Term Energy Outlook shows Midwest natural gas users could save 9.1 percent on their bills. CUB's Energy Saver offers energy efficiency tips that could add to that number. With an estimated 3.26 million households across northern Illinois, the potential savings could reach $485 million.
There's even good news regarding the rate hike. The $58 million increase is roughly half of what Peoples Energy requested. CUB Communications Director Jim Chilsen said they still plan to appeal the ICC's decision.
"While the companies got less than what they asked for, they still got more than what they need or deserve. It’s the worst possible time for a rate hike, as Chicago-area consumers struggle to make ends meet in an ailing economy. The companies should tighten their belts just as their customers have been forced to. We look forward to fighting the rate hikes on appeal. "