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Anti-Abortion Ads Featuring Obama Covered by Protestors

By Chuck Sudo in News on Apr 4, 2011 1:00PM


It looks as though two of the three anti-abortion ads featuring President Obama's face and the tagline "Every 21 minutes our next possible leader is aborted" have been covered by opponents to the billboards less than a week after they were erected. The Tribune received a statement from a loose coalition of "social workers and community members" who didn't want their names used, claiming responsibility.

The ads were paid for by a Texas-based anti-abortion group called Life Always and was targeted for the area around 58th and State street as a means of highlighting the disparity in the number of African American women seeking abortions. When the ads went up last week, Rev. Stephen Broden, a Life Always board member, was on hand to shout through his bullhorn that abortion was "threatening the very survival of our community" and the Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade has led to a decrease in the African American population. To our mind, the billboards only show that Life Always did a detailed job in racial profiling to further their message. Their take on Shepherd Fairey's classic "HOPE" image also suggests, not so subtly, that liberals and Obama supporters also support abortion rights.