Today in "Rahm Watch:" Shaking Hands, New Website, "RahmTracker"
By Chuck Sudo in Miscellaneous on Oct 4, 2010 6:30PM
Today in "Rahm Watch 2K10-11" (anyone up for renaming it "Rahmadan?) the probable mayoral candidate got off to a fast start on his "listening tour," campaigning greeting commuters at the Roosevelt Road Orange/Green "L" station this morning. I took the train Orange Line into downtown this morning and have been kicking myself ever since for not exiting and trying to convince Emanuel into flipping me off with his half middle finger. He's looking for votes; I think he'd be game. Meanwhile, take a look at Emanuel's new website. Wouldn't doubt it if his campaign registered the domain with GoDaddy.
Meanwhile, the saga of the renters refusing to leave Emanuel's house could pose a legitimate problem in Rahmbo establishing residency for his mayoral run. Attorneys Jim Nally and Burt Odelson told the Sun-Times that, by having rented out his home, Emanuel does not meet the residency requirements to run for mayor. The same article also states that, should the residency issue be contested in court, Cook County judges give great deference to a candidate's intent, and if Emanuel has paid property taxes on the home, maintained a drivers license with his home address listed as his residence, voted absentee and always intended to return, it could make any contesting of his residency moot.
Finally, with Emanuel threatening promising in his video announcement to take his "Tell It Like It Is" tour to "grocery stores, 'L' stops, bowling alleys and hot dog stands," someone's already parked on the Twitter handle "Rahmtracker." If his campaign decides to follow the Rahmtracker on twitter, that would be so meta. but limiting himself to supermarkets, the Fireside Bowl and Jim's Original isn't really getting out to everyone in the city. We here at Chicagoist have compiled a list of other places to visit on his listening tour:
- Wiener's Circle (Rahm going cuss for cuss with Poochie would be epic.)
- Arby's (Benjy's suggestion. Benjy's morbid.)
- Steamworks
- Cellblock
- The Baton
- Isaacson and Stein Fish Company (to stock up on fish)
- Supreme Lobster (ditto)
- Vienna Beef Factory store
- Taking a nap in the room where the MSI's "Month at the Museum" winner will live.
- Picking up snacks at a Wonder Bread or Hostess outlet.
- Hunting for votes in Graceland Cemetery.
- Eating sandwich after sandwich at Manny's, pressing hands with the pols, until he loses his whippet-thin figure.
- The Corner
- Tankboy's "family room."
- The Belmont "L," helping with those Craigslist missed connections.
- Jogging with Blagojevich in matching outfits.
- Sleeping in President Obama's house until he can get his back.
- If that doesn't happen, Apartment Finders