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Blago Blabs To Greta

By Marcus Gilmer in News on Apr 27, 2010 9:00PM

Of course Blago would choose to go to Fox News ahead of his trial to talk all about the upcoming spectacle and the evidence. In the interview, Blago insists there was a meeting between he and Sen. Dick Durbin, explaining that subpoena, spoke to Sen. Harry Reid, slyly mentions Lisa Madigan as his pick and his nemesis Mike Madigan without specifically saying their names, and makes clear President Obama is accused of no wrong-doing in the information outlined the not-redacted-redacted motion that made a whirlwind last week. (Interestingly, one person not subpoenaed: Rahm Emanuel.) But the interview also marks the first time we've seen Blago actually decline to elaborate on information regarding the case. There's a first time for everything, we suppose. Blago also claims that the unredacting was due to a computer glitch and nope, wasn't at all done on purpose, no, ma'am.