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Upcoming Events For Literary Folk

By Betsy Mikel in Arts & Entertainment on Jan 25, 2010 6:40PM

2009_01Kotlowitzcover.jpg Tuesday: Northwestern's Center for the Writing Arts will welcome Alex Kotlowitz, self-proclaimed accidental Chicagoan and author of "Never a City so Real: A Walk in Chicago" to read his work.
University Hall, Room 201, 1897 Sheridan, 5:30 p.m., free

Tuesday: Our top pick this week is The Moth Chicago StorySLAM. The Moth opens the mike up to anyone with a true story to share. The rules: keep it under five minutes, stick to this month's "neighbors" theme, follow these tips, and don't bring any notes or cheat sheets up to the stage. Suffer from stage fright? Volunteer to be a judge or join us in the audience, where we'll be laughing, crying and applauding to our heart's content.
Martyrs', 3855 N Lincoln, doors open at 6 p.m. / stories begin at 8 p.m., $7, 21+

Wednesday: Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post will lead a discussion at Columbia College Chicago as part of the Conversations in the Arts series. She will address some major trends and issues in media. Chicago Sun-Times columnist Lynn Sweet will moderate.
Film Row Cinema, 1104 S. Wabash Ave, 8th floor, 7 p.m., free with RSVP

Thursday: To celebrate the publication of the magazine's recent issue "Seven Poets from Berlin," Chicago Review is welcoming Christian Hawkey, Uljana Wolf and Monika Rinck for a bilingual poetry reading at the Goethe-Institute Chicago.
Goethe-Institute Chicago, 150 N Michigan, 6 p.m., free