County Sales Tax Repealed, Toddler Pissed
By Marcus Gilmer in News on May 5, 2009 7:10PM
It's a good day if you're tired of higher taxes. WBEZ reports the Cook County Commission has just voted 12-3 to repeal last year's one percentage point sales tax increase. The three votes against the appeal came from William Beavers, Robert Steele and Jerry Butler. Even more eye-opening is Tony Peraica's Twitter feed which featured the following tweets from the Commission's meeting:
Peraica photo from his Twitter Feed
- Storger is getting emotional and is using mild profanities...quite a show [via]
- Some commissioners are begining [sic] to have cold feet and are moving against roll back, even though they spoke in favor of it just moments ago [via]
- [Com. John] Daley told Stroger: " better listen, for once..." Stroger is clearly upset [via]
Update: Once again, from Peraica's Twitter: "Stroger just stated that he will VETO the repeal of the sales tax. Taxpayers need to call their commissioners @"