Black Friday Blues
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Nov 27, 2008 10:00PM

Ah, Black Friday. You always present us with deals and videos of crazy people trampling each other so they can be the first to grab that $500 HDTV or Tickle Me Elmo or whatever the kids are crazy about these days. It's become such big business that there's even a struggle amongst websites to be the first to break the Black Friday ads - even Twitter is in on the act this year. But even with more attention than ever on the day, there's also more pessimism than ever because of the large decrease in consumer spending in 2008. As the economy continues to slide, will Black Friday numbers follow suit? Some stores are so concerned about profits, they're offering freebies to those brave souls who sprint through the doors at the crack of dawn in hopes to entice more people to shop. And come Saturday, as the Black Friday numbers roll in, all eyes will shift to Cyber Monday as online retailers try to fight the slumping economy as well. And, of course, there are those who fight Black Friday and all it stands for.
As the holiday season kicks off, we want to hear about your Black Friday (or anti-Black Friday) stories. Leave us a note in the comments telling us about your experiences out there on the front lines or why you stayed home.
AP Photo/Mark Lennihan