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Oprah Celebrates Obama With a Two-Day Election Special

By Ali Trachta in Miscellaneous on Nov 5, 2008 7:30PM


Though Oprah promised not to use her show as a pulpit for the Obama campaign, she didn't say anything about throwing a house party for his win! After her star-studded "get out the vote" party on yesterday's show, the Big O headed down to Grant Park to cheer on our newly-elected president that she'd supported all along.

"I feel good," Winfrey told ABC News, "I feel like this is what we wanted and hoped for and worked for."

Oprah brought the Obamapalooza vibe back to today's show for more post-election par-taying. The photo above shows her holding up today's Sun-Times which commemorates this historic event. Lots more details on Oprah's Obama-rama in this week's Oprah Watch. [S-T]

Photo from ABC 7 feed and via the Sun-Times Oprah blog.