Ben Folds Rockin' The Apple Store
By Marcus Gilmer in Arts & Entertainment on Oct 10, 2008 2:45PM
Piano pop-rocker Ben Folds will be rocking Chicago's Apple Store at 3 p.m. in a special performance to help promote his new LP Way To Normal. Folds will be performing a 30-minute set followed by a 30-minute signing opportunity for fans. If you want to get in, you'd better start lining up now.
If you can't make it, though, Ben is performing tonight at the Congress Theater and last we checked, tickets are still available...for a hefty price. We love Ben, but in tight financial times like these, the free show is the way to go.
Ben Folds, 3 p.m., Apple Store, 679 N. Michigan, Free
Ben Folds w/ Missy Higgins, Doors at 8 p.m., Congress Theater, 2135 N. Milwaukee, 18+, $40