Obamaist! News Round-Up
By Marcus Gilmer in News on Sep 24, 2008 10:00PM

It's been an eventful week for Chicago's Barack Obama, the Democratic Party's nominee for President of the United States of America. He's battling critics, dealing with a loose cannon running mate, dealing with a guy bringing a gun to his house, and preparing for a debate this Friday - seriously, what the hell, John? Here I am, working my ass on this round-up, and you go and throw everything out of whack. This all about me, John. Why did you have to steal my thunder? Screw it, this election is still happening so I'm doing this news round-up anyway. Nice try, McCain!
- So what does McCain's announcement mean for Obama, who's in Florida preparing for the still-scheduled first debate (happening Friday evening)? At a press conference this afternoon, he had this to say:
With respect to the debates, it is my belief that this exactly time that the American people need to hear from the person who, within 40 days, will be responsible for this mess...It is going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one problem at once...In my mind, it's more important than ever that we try to present ourselves to the American people.'
Game on. - Either way, all this talk about the financial crisis has propelled Obama to leads in most polls, including a +9 margin in an ABC News-Washington Post poll.
- George Fox University, in Newberg, Oregon, was shaken by the discovery of an Obama likeness found hanging from a tree in the college's quad this week. The likeness also had an accompanying note referencing a GFU scholarship project for low-income and minority students.
- Obama and running mate Senator Joe Biden are coming under fire for their votes on the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere." Republican VP nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been criticized by Biden for actually supporting the bridge originally in spite of her claims of being opposed to it. Senate records show that both Biden and Obama supported the transportation bill supporting the bridge while voting against a similar bill that would have funded the rebuilding of a Louisiana highway span heavily damaged during Hurricane Katrina. Now, we all know that there is usually more than just these single items tied up in these bills...but still, I'd like an explanation, Barack.
- Speaking of Biden, he's gotten in trouble lately for shooting his mouth off, but Obama continues to stand by his choice of a running mate.
Photo of Barack Obama in Clearwater, Florida courtesy of his Flickr stream