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If It's Too Loud, You're Too...Oh Shit It's The Cops!

By Karl Klockars in News on Aug 12, 2008 8:10PM

bigasscarstereo081208.jpgDid you ever go through that "I have to have the loudest bass in the world coming out of my trunk" phase? Well, some of us did for a while - and we're glad we barely even own a vehicle at this point, let alone have the cash to trick out the stereo system. On top of that, it's an even better thing we don't live in Joliet. Cops there have given out over 110 tickets in the last few weeks for "noise violations" relating to huge stereos and loud exhausts.

Could you hear your stereo kickin' out the jams from 75 feet away? If so, you might have to cough up $75 to "Operation Boombox." And here's the insult-to-injury part: they also tow your car, which tacks on another $275. If playing that Eazy-E tune at high volumes is that important to you, you'll be happy to pony up the $350 and hang out at the impound lot for an afternoon. The rest of us, not so much.

Cops on this particular beat have it pretty easy: All they have to do is hang out in someone's lawn and keep their ears peeled. "With the resident's permission, officers set up surveillance details on front porches or simply pull out lawn chairs and sit on the sidewalk. Once an offending vehicle passes by, the officers radio the vehicle's description to another officer waiting in a marked squad car," sayeth the Trib.

Photo from Wikipedia.