Police Union Gripes About Fitness
By Tim State in News on Mar 8, 2008 3:43PM

demands for a more fit police force. Photo by Tobias Higbie.
We reported in yesterday’s Extra, Extra, that top cop Jody Weis -- a buff body builder married to a personal trainer -- wants to modify the current incentive for officers to stay healthy and fit. Instead of the $250 bonus payment for officers to run a timed 1.5 miles and meeting sit-up and bench-press requirements, Weis wants a program that offers a more holistic approach with good health being the ultimate incentive.
Not even a day after Weis suggested doing away with the bonus and modifying the requirements for fitness, the Fraternal Order of Police was crying foul, with Greg Bella, 3rd V.P. of the FOP telling the S-T:
"If you want guys to work out, let them park the car and go work out, like I'm sure he does. . . . Give us time during an eight-hour shift. That way, we'll be sure to get it in."
Wha-huh? Who gets to carve an hour out of their eight-hour work day to work out? What are these fat-ass cops afraid of? Why is he advocate for the slacker? Bella continued his rant against J-fed (his reference to Weis), demanding:
- An hour of every shift to work out on city time
- Kitchens installed in the stations so officers can cook instead of relying on fast food. “Maybe J-fed would like to stock the fridge for us so we can have healthy food.”
- Alter the work week from six 8-hour days followed by 2 days off, to 6 8.5 hour days with 3 days off, or a 10-hour shift 4 days a week.
- Allow officers who work out of older stations without fitness rooms to workout at newer stations with gyms. Bella complained the gym at headquarters was closed, but two weeks after Weis started, he opened it up to all officers.
- Change policies regarding time-off requests so officers can plan their personal lives accordingly.
Okay, so that last point, we have some sympathy for. But the others? Fetch me another donut, please.