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Oprah Watch

By Margaret Hicks in Miscellaneous on Jan 13, 2008 7:39PM

Last week Oprah was on top of the world with good movie reviews and positive caucuses. Ah, how things can change in a week. Now, Oprah and FOO(Friends of Oprah) are having a bit of a rough time.

Solomon%2CStedman%20%26%20Oprah.jpgRumblings are that Oprah and long-time boyfriend Stedman are on the outs. Rumors are that Oprah has cut Stedman Graham out of her will and her money will go to various charities and her three (future) adopted daughters. Chicagoist assumes much of this story is bunk, as the only source of the story is the National Enquirer.

FOO Dr. Phil has gotten himself in hot Britney Spears water. After Britney's three-hour standoff with police last week, Dr. Phil was called in by the family to help. Dr. Phil walks in; states the obvious to any media that will listen, then plans a one-hour show detailing the poor girl's problems without consent. What a charmer. Luckily for Dr. Phil, a true gentleman has taken his side. Lindsay Lohan's father says, "He's out trying to reach out to Britney. When someone tries to do something good, there's a negative spin put on it." Charmer #2, Electric Bugaloo.

But wait, there's more...

FOO Jessica Seinfeld, who sent Oprah 21 pairs of shoes in October, is being sued for plagiarism by Missy Chase Lapine. Seinfeld's book, titled Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food shot up the best-seller list after Seinfeld was on Oprah's show. Lapine's book is titled The Sneaky Chef: Simple Strategies for Hiding Healthy Foods in Kid's Favorite Meals. We have not read either cookbook, but the titles do seem remarkably similar. Lupine is also suing Jerry Seinfeld for defamation in regards to what Seinfeld said about Lupine on Letterman's show.

0906_tv_01_drphil.jpgWhat we think is really happening is Oprah and friends are just going stir crazy because of all the damn reruns -- we know we are. This past week we watched hidden gay lesbians come out of their closets, watched SJP market her wares and we have to admit, giggled secretly when Dr. Oz forced Oprah to touch the biggest, yuckiest tape worm ever.

Next week we have all new episodes (yay!), starting with Bob Greene's million-viewer Best Life Challenge on Monday. We signed up for the fitness challenge many moons ago and have been waiting patiently for it to start, so bring it Bob Greene, bring it like you can sing it. Oprah is also going to announce her book club book, so get ready to read something sad about a woman who has problems but overcomes them!