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NYE To-do List...

By Margaret Lyons in Miscellaneous on Dec 31, 2007 10:33PM

2007_12_31.champagne.jpgWho's ready to bid 2007 adieu? Well, ready or not, here it comes. But people get so worked up over New Year's Eve, and it never winds up being as big a deal as you think. Smooched, not smooched, party, no party, fancy dress or sweat pants--this shit does not matter. Just have a good time. Here are few things we've learned along the way:

Eat dinner.

Opt for the comfier shoes.

Remember that the CTA is running extra buses and trains, and the rides are a penny. Hell, the rides are free.

Having a party? Put up a backdrop and have your guests pose for photos in front of it. You can use an old sheet, a vinyl tablecloth from Walgreens, whatever. This is shockingly easy and festive and people go apeshit for it.

Grow some balls and make a toast. Making toasts is the best. Don't be embarrassed to be cheesy or gushy, but make your speech early in the night before you're in your cups too far.

Learn the damn lyrics to Auld Lang Syne. Every year, someone makes a lame joke about how no one knows the lyrics to that song, but...they're really easy, and it's secretly fun being a know-it-all.

Champers pic by Velo Steve