You Tell Me ... One Last Chance Before We Take It out Back and Beat Its Ass
By Lizz Kannenberg in Arts & Entertainment on May 7, 2007 4:15PM
Alright, Chicagoistas, we’ve got a bone to pick with you. We hemmed and hawed, we stayed up nights wrestling with it … but per your request, we resurrected a bigger better faster more version of our new-and-unheralded, interactive music column called You Tell Me. Next, we charged you guys with finding the cream amongst crap. We thought the first round went pretty well, but we didn’t get many workable suggestions last week. What gives, yo?
So here’s the question at hand: do you want the power? Do you want to tell Chicagoist what to do and where to be? Of course you do, so get to it!
A reminder on the rules of You Tell Me:
1. The show must be happening in the calendar week of the post. For instance, this week we’re looking for stuff that’s going down between today (5/8) (5/7) and next Monday (5/14).
2. We’re really looking for bands we’ve never heard of. Being the music-nerd-come-scenesters that we pretend to be, we’ve heard of a lot of bands. So really dig deep here kids, and give some love to that great blues trio you heard at the Smoke Daddy or to your little brother’s grunge revival band. We’re ready and willing to give any and every artist a shot at Chicagoist stardom.
Don’t let us down, Chicago hip/scene/yup – sters.