Extra, Extra
By Rachelle Bowden in News on Nov 28, 2006 1:12AM

- A concrete buffer is now in place at Midway. And just in time-seven more people are suing over a plane that skidded off a Midway runway last December.
- What happened to the missing University of Missouri student who was last seen a week ago at a party here? Police are searching the river for clues.
- Some new brain tumor therapy is making its stateside debut in Chicago.
- Smaller class sizes are always better, right? Well then why are some of the highest test scores coming in from the largest classes?
- Know someone young(ish) who's a leader in the community? Who tackles social issues? Breaks down race and class barriers? Who could spur innovation and results? The Community Renewal Society is taking nominations for its 35 under 35 Leadership Awards.
- Renegade Craft Fair: Not just for summers anymore!
- Does anybody know what awaits Liz Armstrong in Vegas?
"Bar Time" via pantagrapher