Silent Scream
By Julene McCoy in Arts & Entertainment on Jun 6, 2006 2:39PM
We’re guilty and now we know everyone else is, too. A national survey of licensed drivers over 18 revealed that shockingly 9 out of 10 drivers belt out tunes while driving. Who is that one person who doesn’t sing? We’re betting it’s that dentist who doesn’t recommend Trident to his patients who chew gum.
Most of us are singing along to the rock music, rather than Gregorian chant, while in our SUVs stuck in traffic on the Dan Ryan. Chicagoist thinks that the reason why more SUV owners belt out tunes in the car is because they not only have enough cold hard cash to pay for exorbitant gas prices, but because they are so high up that no one can bust their asses singing along to Celine at a stop light or toll booth.
Red heads croon more than blondes, and an Aries is more likely to rap away than a Capricorn to what’s coming out of the radio. When road rage rears its ugly head, why not try warbling a little “Bohemian Rhapsody” or “Tiny Dancer” until the moment subsides?
There’s nothing better than barreling down the expressway singing at the top of our lungs, until we exit and realize that we’re back on the city streets where people can totally see what we are doing in our moveable castle. Sinead O’Connor’s “Jerusalem” is what got us busted by a neighboring car once – the shame. We refuse to feel that shame now that everyone’s admitted to it. Although, we may try to limit our vocalizations to when the windows are up.
What are your favorite tunes for caraoke?