Chicagoist In Review
By Scott Smith in Miscellaneous on Dec 12, 2005 12:00PM
Everyone should stay in their houses and keep to him or herself.
That was the lesson Chicagoist and its readers learned last week as it’s the only way you’ll avoid having to spend three hours commuting in the snow, listening to street musicians and bucket beaters, or having to deal with booze hounds and smoking fiends.
Though not our most-commented post ever, you had a lot to say about the smoking ban. Chicagoist thinks it’s kinda sad that the smokers and the drinkers were so at odds in the comments on this post since we feel those who embrace our vices need to stick together (speaking of: the next meeting of the Chicagoist Smoking, Drinking and Porn Collecting Club meets at the Cultural Center next Tuesday).
Speaking of commenters at odds, we were surprised at the dust-up over the proposed ban on street performers since the target of your ire was not Chicagoist, but a Chicagoist reader. While most people agreed that the kids with the buckets are nobody's friend, no one resolved whether “The Flintstones” should ever be played on saxophone in the first place.
The big news of the end of the week was the first major snowfall of the season and the subsequent crash at Midway. While blizzards may be in the eye of the beholder, it’s clear that everyone always forgets how to drive in the snow, which makes for long commutes but pretty pictures too.
Of course, there were other things going on last week. We heard from you (or rather, from Moon) about our alleged blind love of Judy Baar Topinka, the acquisition of Juan Pierre, and why Lieberman has lost his Joementum. And everyone pretty much agreed that Joe Birkett is a douche.
Just as Chicagoist gives you its opinion as we tell you about the most interesting things going on in the city, we hope you’ll continue to give us yours.