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Smackdown, You Say?

By Justin Sondak in Arts & Entertainment on Oct 1, 2005 5:58PM

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Chicagoist never thought the day would arrive when we'd earnestly write "Smackdown" and "Ira Glass" in the same sentence. But the Rhinocerous Festival is always a time to defy expectations, pitting the gentle voiced This American Life host against Curious Theatre Branch's co-founder and spiritual force of the festival Beau O'Reilly Sunday night. These men shall duel—to the death! or at least till the end of the program!!—for the cultural supremacy of their respective artforms. O’Reilly’s armed with crafty monologues, deft characterization, and supreme elocution. Glass is bringing the mixing board, that cool background music, and the storytelling acumen that made him the cash cow of NPR pledge drives everywhere.

So here's that sentence: Sunday night at 7pm, come see Ira Glass take on Beau O'Reilly in "Radio vs. Theater: Final Smackdown" at the School of the Art Institute Ballroom, 112 South Michigan Ave. Who shall emerge victorious? Most likely, the audience.

Images via Curious Theatre Branch and The Barclay Agency