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Hispanic Workers Most Likely to Suffer Work-Related Injuries & Deaths

By Rachelle Bowden in News on Oct 13, 2004 8:29AM

Hispanic Worker: Photo - landscapemanagement.netGovernor Blagojevich has appointed a special panel to figure out why Hispanics have the highest rate of work-related deaths and to find out ways to lower that risk.

In 2000, there were 17 work-related deaths of Hispanics in IL, 30 in 2001, and 27 in 2002. Nationwide in 1992, Hispanic workers represented 52% of worker fatalities, and in 2002 that rate rose to 69%. The Gov. says that the panel will study why this is the case and will investigate why it is the Latinos that disproportionately suffer greater workplace injures and fatalities than other groups do.

Blago said, "We are going to do absolutely everything possible to protect our immigrant workers .. I am appointing these individuals so they can provide recommendations to ensure that after a hard day of work, Illinois workers can return home safely to their families." He goes on to add, "As the son of an immigrant steel worker, I feel I have a unique responsibility to try to help other immigrants who haven't been quite as lucky as my dad to get better paying jobs that provide the necessary training that can keep you safe in the workplace."

Chicagoist is pretty sure that the reason Hispanic immigrants get hurt more than the rest of us is because no one stands up for them, they don't say anything about work conditions for fear of deportation, and they have more dangerous (manual labor) jobs than we do. That's our special report. You can make our check payable to "Cash".. thanks!