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Trotter Back on TV

By Rachelle Bowden in Arts & Entertainment on Jul 1, 2004 5:14PM

2004_06_trotter-leaning.jpgAfter a 3-year hiatus, Charlie Trotter is returning to public television with his show "Kitchen Sessions with Charlie Trotter". The show is pretty much the same as before, not that that's bad.. one new things is that Trotter will visit some of the areas where he gets menu ingredients for his restaurant. For example, this Sunday's episode will include a trip to a farm in Ohio that grows organic specialty fruits and vegetables for chefs across the country. Trotter says he doesn't consider himself a "TV chef", but that he considers himself to be a chef and restaurateur who's perfectly willing to invite people into his restaurant to show them what goes on.

Chicagoist is still waiting to get a date with Richie Rich, who will take us to Trotter's and show us what world-class fine dining in Chicago is all about!