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Chicago Baseball's Jaywalking Elite Grows

By Marcus Gilmer in Miscellaneous on Aug 19, 2009 2:20PM

We hate being yelled at by the Traffic Management ladies in yellow vests for stepping out into a crosswalk too early. Of course, if you're Lou Piniella, yelling won't really phase you. A week after Chicago White Sox GM Kenny Williams was ticketed for jaywalking in Seattle, Cubs manager Sweet Lou nearly got the same in San Diego. So is Chicago's baseball elite just that disrespectful of the law or are those Left Coasters just that vigilant? Lou got off with just a warning, which is good to him. Said Lou, "Kenny can afford it more than me." Of course, if we had the bullpen issues that Lou does, you'd be pretty likely to find us randomly roaming the streets of whatever city we were stuck in, mumbling incoherently to ourselves, too. [Tribune]